African American Passover Excerpt
Contact Information

Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood III
Plymouth United Church of Christ

600 E. Warren Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201


Question No. 1/Reader No. 53       


Why on this night, of all nights, do we eat chicken?



Congregational Response:


We eat chicken on this night, of all nights, to remember that when the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness after having escaped slavery in Egypt; the good Lord gave them manna in the morning and quail in the evening to eat. We remember that when our people were delivered from slavery, the Lord continued to shower us with abundant blessings.


Question No. 2/Reader No. 54 

Why on this night, of all nights, do we eat sweet potatoes?


Congregational Response:


We eat sweet potatoes on this night of all nights to remember that in spite of the hardships we have endured as a people, there have been sweet moments in our history, sweet moments in our present life, and there will be sweet moments in the days ahead.


Question No. 3/Reader No. 55

Why on this night, of all nights, do we eat mixed greens?


Congregational Response:


We eat mixed greens on this night, of all nights, to remember the years of toiling in other people’s vineyards; to remember the fruit of the land, which has sustained us through the centuries.


Question No. 4/Reader No. 56                  


On this night, of all nights, why do we eat the watermelon?


Congregational Response:


We eat watermelon on this Passover celebration to remind us of the fruit and refreshment, which has been a joy of our people through the years.


Question No. 5/Reader No. 57 

Why on this night of all nights do we drink water and not coffee or tea or soda pop?


Congregational Response:


We drink water on this night, of all nights, to remember the waters which separated us from our homeland Africa. We drink water on this night, of all nights, to symbolize that life-sustaining force which flows within each of our bodies. We drink water, on this night, of all nights, to remind us of the common bond of humanity.


Question No. 6/Reader No. 58

Why on this night, of all nights, do we taste the hot mustard?


Congregational Response:


We taste hot mustard on this night, of all nights, to remember that in spite of the sweet times there have been difficult days in our past, and to remind us of the suffering and hardship our people have endured through slavery and segregation, and that there will be difficult days ahead.